As Fifth Circuit Solicitor in Columbia, South Carolina, Byron Gipson saw many in his community living in the shadows because of warrants for low-level offenses as trivial as parking tickets. Filmmaker Ethan Payne discovers how Gipson earned back his community’s trust so, together, they could hit reset.

Film by Ethan Payne


July 20, 2023

Between recent Supreme Court decisions, congressional gridlock, and gerrymandering, creating a better South feels challenging like never before. And while national attention often focuses on the figures from our region halting progress, there are so many more people working to make big, positive changes from much smaller stages than D.C., but with no less importance. In partnership with the E Pluribus Unum Institute, this is the first installment of a story series turning up the volume on the work done by student, municipal, and state-level leaders across the South building a more equitable and inclusive future. Their stories prove extraordinary actions can come from anywhere and anyone — they just might inspire you to run for something in your community.


This film was made in partnership with E Pluribus Unum